Below is the latest and greatest news to-date. As of September 1, 2015 this is a new addition to my website and I will be updating with news as it comes in. It may be a bit on the slim side for now, but I anticipate it growing rapidly in the not-so-far future.
September 12, 2015
I am so thrilled to announce that the wonderful publishers Artur J. Heller and Anetta G. Heller, of CAMERAPIXO magazine, have added me as an administrator to the social-media group Being Published Matters. The talent seen within this group never stops amazing me and I look forward to being a part of the growth of this community. Sincere thanks to the Hellers for all that they do!!! Please take a moment to visit their Facebook Page and enjoy some wonderful imagery from all around the world! Cheers!
I have been featured at the Louvre... (yes, the Louvre in Paris)!
Summer, 2015
"Platform D1" was entered into the Exposure Awards in the spring of 2015 and received an Honorable Mention! It was one of tens of thousands of images from over 191 countries that were entered into this prestigious international photography competition. On July 13, 2015 there was an artist reception at the Louvre in Paris for all of the entrants, and my image, seen here, was displayed amongst all of the other honorable mentions. Needless to say, I am truly thrilled to have been included in such a esteemed museum. To view the remaining images in this series, as well as the full write-up, please see The Series page. Below is the official letter recognizing this accomplishment: