The latest and greatest news to-date.

Elevated Illusions - no.1

Elevated Illusions - no.1

June 2016

2nd PLACE!!!

I'm so honored to announce that "Elevated Illusions - no.1" received a 2nd place in a recent juried exhibition!

"Architecture. Structure. Form" was the subject for this wonderful exhibition at The DARKROOM in Longmont, Colorado. 

See all the entries here


Please take a moment to see my new eBook, put together by the good people at Camerapixo magazine. 

November 16, 2015

I am so honored to have been interviewed by the good people at CAMERAPIXO magazine. Please check it out at the link below!



September 12, 2015

I am so thrilled to announce that the wonderful publishers Artur J. Heller and Anetta G. Heller, of CAMERAPIXO magazine, have added me as an administrator to the social-media group Being Published Matters. The talent seen within this group never stops amazing me and I look forward to being a part of the growth of this community. Sincere thanks to the Hellers for all that they do!!! Please take a moment to visit their Facebook Page and enjoy some wonderful imagery from all around the world! Cheers!

I have been featured at the Louvre... (yes, the Louvre in Paris)!


Summer, 2015

"Platform D1" was entered into the Exposure Awards in the spring of 2015 and received an Honorable Mention! It was one of tens of thousands of images from over 191 countries that were entered into this prestigious international photography competition. On July 13, 2015 there was an artist reception at the Louvre in Paris for all of the entrants, and my image, seen here, was displayed amongst all of the other honorable mentions. Needless to say, I am truly thrilled to have been included in such a esteemed museum. To view the remaining images in this series, as well as the full write-up, please see The Series page. Below is the official letter recognizing this accomplishment:

Issue no.1 - January 2018


Welcome to my BRAND NEW 3-part newsletter that will cover a bit of past, present, and future happenings within the world of KHP. I'd like to take a quick moment to tell you how the name came about in the first place...

There is a 'power of 3' that exists in both our natural and spiritual worlds and art (of all types) has embraced this since the very beginning. There is a reason that 3 prints (for example) look great on a wall side by side, or that we have a rule of thirds in artistic compositions, or that leading lines forming triangles become soothing to the viewer's eye. The power of 3 is real!

When I began thinking about doing a newsletter and what it should contain, it became clear to me that I wanted to keep it short and sweet. I figured that if I embraced the simplicity of the power of 3 I would be able to achieve that very goal. Three 'sections', if you will, make up my newsletter and that will be the standard moving forward. Whether this simplicity will work in maintaining my audience's attention is yet to be determined, but I feel like it's a good plan anyway. 

After thinking this through for a bit, I began to see the power of 3 in all kinds of other areas that took me a bit by surprise. I tend to use ellipses in my typing quite often (more than I likely should), and I use these 3 dots to represent that there is 'more to come'. I have done this for as long as I can remember and I suppose I just never realized that perhaps it was the power of 3 that was driving me to do this. We also see these 3 dots on clickable buttons online to represent that there are more options available. The power of 3 is nearly everywhere you look. I even took it one step further when I sat down to freshen up my overall brand a few months ago. I decided not to change anything with my existing logo after all, but would just incorporate an ellipsis of square dots. They MUST be square because 99% of all my current works are in the square format! This ellipsis in my brand represents that there is always more to come. Things were falling into place and all was being driven by this unseen creative force. The power of 3 is real! 

The logo above popped into my head one night and I put it together the next morning and had it nearly complete by lunchtime. Of course, I made all sorts of other designs just in-case (which took me 2 more days), but in the end I simply came back to this one. The tagline is merely to let my audience know that this is the 'color commentary' of my happenings, and nothing more.

Welcome to my new journey; the power of 3HREE is real!  




2017 was a crazy year to say the least. After calling Denver, Colorado home for more than 18 years, my wife and I decided to move back towards our roots in the Southeast USA and have now landed in Charleston, South Carolina. Don't get me wrong, I will greatly miss CO and all that it had to offer photographically; the modern architecture of Denver is something that I had only scratched the surface of and now find myself facing new challenges with historic buildings of brick and stone in place of steel and glass. 

That said, for a long exposure photographer such as myself, being near an abundance of water and fast moving clouds is extremely inspiring to say the least. I am pleasantly surprised to have found the wonderful highway interchange (shown above) in an area that I could access. It reminded me of being back in the big city of Denver and was a welcomed addition to my ongoing series, Elevated Illusions. The reason I post this image above is because out of ALL my images in 2017, this image captured in early December quickly became one of my most popular and well received images of all-time!!!

Below you will see another image that was also quite well received and about as polar opposite from the one above as it can possibly get. This was captured at Lake Moultrie in Moncks Corner, just up the road a bit from Charleston. It's a lovely quiet lake with hardly a boat passing by and a place that I am able to find much needed peace when things get hectic. This image is the first in a brand new series I have lovingly titled Lightness of Being, and one I have high hopes for. 
Lightness of Being - INCEPTION


Aside from spending the last 6 months settling into my new geography, I am presently balancing graphic design work on a few book projects for myself and others, as well as continuing to build my portfolio of local photographic works. Once I reach a point of having 20-25 strong images of local flavor, I will begin holding art shows and pop-up gallery showings. This takes time and I'm not going to start the full court press until I have that amount of what I would consider to be strong images. 

The good news... I'm close! 

In other ares of day to day happenings I have been quite active with my local photography groups here in Charleston and making some really great friends. I'm blown away by the amount of portrait and wedding photographers in this area, but I guess that's what happens when Charleston is currently the NUBMER ONE city in all of America for destination weddings. In the end, I just love hanging out with photographers of all genres. We all do things differently, but we all have a love for the art itself, and that is what truly matters. 

And lastly, I have been frantically wrapping up the last minute details on an upcoming presentation that I will be giving in late January...


Please join me on January 22nd in Charleston, South Carolina (if you are in the area) for a presentation I will be giving titled VISION: A World Created, Not Captured. I'm thrilled about this presentation because it is the first one that I will be giving that focuses on the 'why' of photography rather than the 'how'. I think we as photographers spend too much time on the technicalities of what we are doing rather than just learning to see into our own souls and simply create art from within.

You have to see it first, and then create it! As you can see from the examples below, my world is much different than what really existed upon capture. Come join me to see many more before and afters of my works, and hear why I choose to do what I do. 

Please check with my website frequently as I will make updates there. The 'Event Details Here' button below will take you to where you need to be. You might want to also follow me on Facebook (link at the bottom) for the same updates. 
Breakwater Poetry - DIRECT ENTRY
Breakwater Poetry - INLET
Breakwater Poetry - COUPLET

Why '3HREE'

The power of 3 exists in all things natural, spiritual, and creative. In fact, it is nearly everywhere you look; from the ellipsis I use in my typing and my logo, to the compositional rules in photography, to the three sections in this very newsletter... it exists everywhere. Embrace the power of '3HREE' and know that there is always more than meets the eye!  

Copyright © 2018 Kevin Holliday Photography. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
211 River Landing Drive, Unit 260
Charleston, SC 29492

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